Mount Sylvia State School is nestled in the mountains amongst the idyllic scenery of open landscape and vegetable farms, which produce for local and interstate markets. Our school has been here for over 130 years. We acknowledge the hard work of the pioneers of the Mount Sylvia district in establishing a school for the children of this area. Several family names appear in the school roll over many generations with some of our current students having links to the original students at this school.
Parents, citizens and staff have, and continue to, work long hours to secure up to date amenities and resources for the school to ensure students are able to grow strive and succeed with 21st century teaching and learning opportunities.
Our 2017 enrolment is 32 students in two learning groups: Prep-2 and Year 3-6.
Staff at the school includes:
Principal - Mark Thompson
Classroom teachers
Teacher aides
Support teacher literacy and numeracy
Music specialist
Physical education specialist
German teacher
The teaching staff are assisted by the following support staff:
Speech language pathologist
Guidance officer
Occupational therapist
Advisory visiting teachers
School's officer - facilities and grounds
Administrative officer
School cleaner